Nutrition in Medicine

evidence-based clinical nutrition education for medical students, residents, fellows, and other physicians.

YouTube Web Based List

List of YouTube video tutorials of the NIM Online Modules that are available for practicing physicians.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

A brief tutorial on nutrition for gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes during pregnancy).

Gestational Diabetes YouTube »

Hypertension and Nutrition

A brief tutorial reviewing lifestyle and nutritional recommendations for managing hypertension.

Hypertension and Nutrition on YouTube »

Nutrition and Portion Sizes

A brief tutorial reviewing nutritional recommendations for appropriate portion sizes for each food group.

Nutrition and Portion sizes on YouTube »

Primary Prevention of Cancer

A brief tutorial reviewing nutrition and physical activity guidelines for cancer prevention.

Primary Prevention of Cancer on YouTube »

Refeeding Syndrome

A brief tutorial outlining the role of nutrition in prevention and treatment of refeeding syndrome.

Refeeding Syndrome on YouTube »

Registered Dietitian Referral

A brief tutorial and overview of how to make referrals to a dietitan.

Registered Dietitian Referral on YouTube »

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